
So far, my Dream Classroom Wish List has gotten 12 votes. That doesn't sound like a lot but it has moved me up the ranks. I've moved up to 40!!! I know that sounds really far from 1st but I think it's pretty darn close. I would really love to get some technology in my classroom to enhance student learning.
For example, yesterday, I taught a math lesson on graphing and had a difficult time showing students how to graph. Despite already making a graph on chart paper and drawing it on the board. It would've been so efficient if I had a projector and a document camera to show students exactly how to graph our data. Also, my 1st grade classroom used to be a 5th grade room so many of the furniture (besides their desk) is not very kid friendly. Please spread the word and vote for my wish list. Contest ends December 19th! Thank you!


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