New Obsession...Teaching Blogs

My first year of teaching is really kicking my butt. I knew teaching was going to be a challenge but there are some things that no one prepared me for. Who knew that teachers had so many roles to fill! They have to be educators, social workers, life coaches, cheerleaders, doctors, interior designers, artists, and inventors. Phew! Those are just a few roles that I have had to fill these past few months. I'm sure I will encounter many more roles in the near future but as of right now, I think those are plenty!
The first month, I was busy learning about how everything at the school works (administrative paperwork stuff) and had very little time to actually produce good lesson plans and decorate my classroom. When I told my parents that I had to decorate my classroom, they were shocked! They always thought that there were people paid to decorate the classroom and all the teacher had to do was teach. Imagine that!
The next couple of months, I was busy trying to learn about the curriculum they had in place for language arts and math. That leaves me to plan out the science and social studies curriculum. Oy vey! Not to mention that in 1st grade, I have to administer many individual assessments for reading and math. Let's just say that I was busting my butt big time to get things done. If I continued the pace I was going the first couple of months, I would have burned out by now. Luckily, I got smart and searched for teaching resources.
I started at the library but it was difficult to find specific books I needed to help me with planning. Then, I started to look for activities for a unit on Brazil and stumbled upon a 1st grade teaching blog. After I read a few entries, I was hooked. I went searching for many more and now, I'm up late nights reading these blogs. It's a good thing it's Friday and I can sleep in tomorrow.


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