The sad truth

Working as a long term care Ombudsman really gets me thinking about the future. As an Ombudsman, I advocate for senior citizens living in nursing homes and have learned what it takes to live a comfortable and good life until the end. The two most important things are:
1. Family. Too many times I've seen people who have no family to be there for them. It makes me want to have as many children as I can so there will always be someone there for me.
2. Money. It's really sad but true that if you want to be in a relatively nice nursing home, you need money and lots of it. Nursing homes will kick you out and send you to a dump if you can't afford to pay their bills. You think your rent or mortgage is expensive? Try paying $5,000 a month to live in a dump.

So, I realize now that I really need to be more fiscally responsible. I will have to fight the urge to buy more shoes or anything else for that matter. I need to be serious about my future, both financial and personal.
Time to get down to business...


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